Dermatologist or beautician: who to consult with skin problems?

Dermatologist or beautician

Skin problems and diseases are common, regardless of your age. Whether it’s acne, eczema, stretch marks, cellulite or fine lines , it’s important to have your skin treated by the best specialists!

That said, the skin is as much part of the area of ​​expertise of beauticians as it is of dermatologists. So, when the time comes to consult a professional, who should we turn to? What are the skin problems that can be treated with the care of a beautician? Which ones require the intervention of a dermatologist instead?


The beautician is a skin, beauty and well-being professional . It offers facial and body treatments with or without technology , all of which are performed with respect, confidentiality and client safety.

The path of the beautician

During her career, the beautician obtained a DEP in aesthetics and / or a DEP in hair removal. Some have also trained in dermal therapy to offer electrolysis services, laser hair removal as well as vascular, pigmentary, rejuvenation and acne treatments using cutting-edge technologies.

The beautician is a specialist in skin and hair care. Indeed, you will consult a beautician to receive various facial or body treatments adapted to your needs. She has the necessary knowledge to identify your skin type and spot different varieties of skin abnormalities. In addition, the beauticians offer multiple hair removal treatments, which are adapted to your skin and hair type. Subsequently, she is able to offer comprehensive, long-term approaches to help treat and resolve problems . To do this , estheticians use non-surgical practices and technologies to treat problems relating to your epidermis.

Not to mention that at Option Dermasanté, our beauticians offer certain dermo-aesthetic treatments. Indeed, our professionals are specialized in technologies for the treatment of skin, cellulite, stretch marks, acne, etc. If you want to learn more about the role of our beauticians, we recommend this article: “ What is the role of a beautician? » .


A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin , hair and nails. It can diagnose and treat several types of skin abnormalities.

Good reasons to consult a dermatologist

You will mainly consult a dermatologist following the advice of a general practitioner. T he problems of severe acne , sometimes persistent warts, abundant hair loss, eczema are examples of cases conducive to consulting a dermatologist.

Since the dermatologist is a medical specialist, he can prescribe medication or medical creams. He can also intervene surgically on his patients. Finally, some dermatologists may also be subspecialized in pediatric dermatology, immunodermatology, dermatopathology, aesthetic dermatology and more.


Both specialists can be of great support to you when you want to treat your skin problems . If one can help you aesthetically, the other can support you medically. The beautician and the dermatologist have very different training, but oh so complementary!

Indeed, when skin problems require medical help, the need goes beyond the expertise of beauticians. In this case, it is best to make an appointment with a dermatologist . However, beauticians can still provide care in addition to the work of the dermatologist. As a result, it is not uncommon to see these two specialists working together, and sometimes, within the same clinic (especially in the case of dermatologists in medico-aesthetics). For example, treating an acne problem may require medication that will then be prescribed by a dermatologist. In support of medication,The services of beauticians can greatly help to reduce the visible redness of lesions. Pulsed light is a technology we use to reduce acne and accelerate healing. To learn more about this treatment, book a free consultation .

Thus, we can see that the role of the beautician and that of the dermatologist are complementary. On the one hand, estheticians are professionals who deal with aesthetic skin problems that do not require surgical treatments. On the other hand, when you face a more concerning skin problem , it is the dermatologist who will be able to offer you the best advice and treatment.

Are you concerned about changes in your skin health? Do not hesitate to consult our beauticians. They will be able to recommend a dermatologist if you need one.

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