What are the best perks of breastfeeding for the mother as well as the baby?

mother as well as the baby

There are many misconceptions associated with the concept of breastfeeding due to many concerns and opinions of people regarding the concept. But moving with expert consultancy and suggestions of the experts is recommended in the cases of babies to avoid any issues later on. The American Association of Pediatrics very well recommends that parents go for exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and even this can be continued when the solid foods are introduced till the age of 1 year of age. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until 2 years of age because of the perks associated with it. The major perks related to breastfeeding have been justified as follows:

  1. Provides ideal nutrition for the baby: The majority of the doctors recommend that parents go for breastfeeding till 6 months of age of baby, as the breast milk contains everything which a baby of 6 months of age, needs that too in optimum proportion. During the first days of birth, the breasts of the mother will produce a thick fluid known as colostrum. This is very high in terms of protein, low in terms of sugar, and is perfectly loaded with beneficial compounds. Gynecologists Hyderabad very well suggest the mother go for breastfeeding due to the vitamins included in the breast milk.
  2. Contains important antibodies: Breast milk also has very important antibodies that will help the baby’s body fight viruses and bacteria very successfully. This will particularly apply to colostrum which provides a very high amount of immunoglobin. This will work in the right direction to protect the baby and promote the basic functioning of the digestive system, nose, and throat. Numerous studies have been done in this direction to prove that breastfeeding is very successful in fighting issues like pneumonia, diarrhea, etc.
  3. Helps to reduce the risk of diseases: Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 12 months will be very helpful in reducing the risk of illnesses and diseases including the problem of middle ear infections, respiratory infections, gut infections, intestinal tissue damage, colds, and infections. This will also help to deal with allergic reactions, diabetes, and childhood leukemia very successfully. Eventually, it will make the babies very healthy and will help to fight off the issues without any problem.
  4. Promoting a healthy baby weight: Regular breastfeeding will be very helpful to promote a healthy baby weight and will be very helpful to eliminate the situation of childhood obesity. The studies very well show that breastfeeding for more than 4 months very easily helps to prevent obesity in babies. This will also help to promote the presence of healthy gut bacteria and eventually help to promote digestion. The babies who undergo breastfeeding will always have more leptin in their bodies in comparison to formula-fed babies. Such babies will also self-regulate their milk intake and will be better in terms of eating and satisfying their hunger very successfully. Further, it will be very helpful to develop healthy eating habits in babies.
  5. Breastfeeding makes kids smarter: Regular and appropriate breastfeeding learned under the supervision of experts at best gynecology hospital in Hyderabad will be always helpful in making the babies smart in comparison to formula-fed babies. Breastfeeding will be very helpful in promoting overall development and studies also suggest that such babies have very high intelligence scores and will be less likely to develop behavioural issues. Breastfeeding always has a very positive impact on the long-term development of the babies.
  6. Helps the mothers to lose weight: Breastfeeding very successfully helps the mothers to lose weight because it will burn more calories and further will be helpful for the ladies to achieve their weight loss goals. After 3 months of lactation, ladies can easily experience increased speed of fat burning in comparison to the non-lactating mothers.
  7. Helps to keep the uterus contract: Breastfeeding also very well helps to encourage uterine contractions because it will be helpful in reducing the bleeding. During the pregnancy, the uterus will grow immensely and will expand from the size of a pear to a size that will fill almost the entire area of your abdomen. After the delivery, the uterus will be going back to its previous size due to the release of the hormones. Studies have also suggested that breastfeeding will help to reduce bleeding and hence the uterus will come back to the original size without any issue.
  8. Helps to reduce the risk of depression: breastfeeding also is very successful in terms of reducing the chances of developing depression among mothers. Postpartum depression is a type of depression that can develop after childbirth and the ladies who are involved in breastfeeding will be less likely to develop such issues. Hence, if you are facing any symptoms related to depression, then getting in touch with the doctors as soon as possible is advisable for the ladies.
  9. Helpful to reduce the disease risk: breastfeeding will be also very helpful in reducing the disease risk and will promote long-term protection against cancer and other associated problems. Women who are constantly indulged in breastfeeding will always have a very low risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood fats, etc. Continued breastfeeding also helps to pause menstruation and ovulation and this can be considered as an additional benefit. This will be very helpful to save time and money because you will never be required to purchase equipment like lactation breast pumps, attend classes, etc. There will be no need to spend money on formula milk and further, there will be no time involved in cleaning the bottles.

Hence, remaining in touch with the best doctors at best maternity hospital in Pune is always advisable for new mothers so that they can learn the art of breastfeeding very professionally and successfully. With this, both the mother and the baby will be in a beneficial position for that time period and beyond.  In this way, people will always be providing the babies with the best possible goodness of health.

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