Coronavirus – Postpone your wedding in 2021 with a wedding planner


You have been lovingly preparing for your wedding for months now. But now this virus called Coronavirus Covid-19 has come to disrupt your wedding organization. As I write to you, we have not yet received a clear answer from our government. We know gatherings are all canceled this summer, but what about weddings? As the bride and groom, you need answers about whether your wedding plans need to be reviewed. You have already spent so much time perfecting the details, and you have also devoted a fairly substantial wedding budget. Postponing your wedding to 2021 is not a simple formality!

Can I get married during this period of Coronavirus Covid-19?

Currently, weddings that were to take place during the confinement period until May 11, 2020 are all officially canceled. But what about marriages taking place after this date? We will still have to be a little patient in order to be fixed. Indeed, the Prime Minister recently confirmed that the government was preparing a “comprehensive exit plan”. This will be presented to the French as soon as it is ready. Let’s hope that his presentation takes place well before May 11 so that our future bride and groom can have an official response.

If you already know that your marriage is annulled. We know how complex it will be to accept this marriage annulment. But you will have to quickly pull yourself together so that it quickly becomes a bad memory. Just because your wedding is canceled today doesn’t mean you can’t get married later. We give you our advice below to postpone your wedding in the best conditions.

If you are already accompanied by a wedding planner, let yourself be guided by the latter for the stages of postponing your wedding. Thanks to her experience and her network, she will find solutions to postpone your wedding in 2020. Trust her with your eyes closed, your wedding will be celebrated in just a few months. Getting married in the fall or winter will be even more magical!

Your wedding was to take place in the summer but you prefer to postpone your wedding for the safety of your loved ones? All in your honor ! We accompany you below to facilitate your steps and get help from a wedding planner.

Have you organized all the stages of your wedding independently? In order to have a perfect wedding in your image, we advise you to postpone it to 2021. You only get married once in your life, so it is out of the question that the organization of your wedding be carried out Quickly ! This marriage must resemble you to the maximum; therefore, you will have to rework certain stages of the wedding preparations. It is important to perfect every detail in order to dazzle your loved ones and make this day an unforgettable moment. This day must mark the spirits forever!

If you are lucky enough to already be accompanied by a wedding planner

Your wedding planner, this wedding magician will easily be able to help you postpone it to 2020. You’ve been dreaming of this wedding for so long that you can’t wait! You have been imagining this magical moment with your other half for months, even years. So why wait any longer? Your wedding planner knows you well after these months of exchange, she will be able to postpone the celebration and make you forget this bad memory very quickly.

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